Breaking Through The Clouds SOUNDTRACK
The original soundtrack for the documentary Breaking Through The Clouds: The First Women's National Air Derby beautifully captures the personality of the women portrayed in the film, guiding listeners through the emotional landscape while adding cohesion and fluidity. Each scene has a distinct sound and each woman has her own musical theme from the playful, upbeat tempo accompanying the segments on Pancho Barnes to the lighthearted, good-natured quality in the background story of Bobbi Trout. The music highlights each woman’s individuality and charm. Now for the first time, the soundtrack is available to the public.
The SOUNDTRACK to the award-winning documentary Breaking Through The Clouds: The First Women's National Air Derby.
The Story Behind the Music
by Heather Taylor, Producer of Breaking Through The Clouds: The First Women's National Air Derby
Titles on the Breaking Through The Clouds Soundtrack
In 2003, I reached out to talk to Bobbi Trout, the last surviving member of the derby. Unfortunately, she had just been admitted to the hospital. Nanette Malher, a close friend of Bobbi’s, contacted me the following day to let me know that Bobbi passed away. Whether our introduction was through divine intervention or happenstance, Nanette and I stayed in touch, developing a friendship based on our mutual admiration of Bobbi.
Not only did we stay in touch, we ended up working together. While grief and loss may have been our initial bond, a sense of purpose and responsibility to share part of Bobbi’s life soon became our focus. When I learned of Nanette's passion for creating music, it seemed preordained that she create the soundtrack for the film. Several years later, when it was time to add a musical score to the film, Nanette and I had many discussions about the emotional resonance needed for each woman portrayed in the film as well as the message behind every scene. I couldn't be happier with the results. There are so many moments in the film where the music really adds an emotional punch, whether it's the flitter of the flute that amplified Hazel Trout's statement that her sister-in-law, Bobbi was "like a bird" or the build up of suspense to Marvel’s crash and the pain and sorrow when we learn of Marvel’s fate.
If you are a music aficionado, want to relive the moments in the film, or feel as if you are racing across America in an open cockpit in the company of some magnificent pilots, this soundtrack to the women's lives during the derby will lift your spirits and make you feel as if you are the one Breaking Through The Clouds.
Purchase Options for the BTTC SoundTrack as a CD or Digital Downloads
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DIGITAL DOWNLOADS of the music in BTTC is .99 per song or $9.99 to download all tracks. It is available through all the usual outlets including ITunes and Amazon (search for Breaking Through The Clouds) or by clicking here:
The Breaking Through The Clouds SOUNDTRACK is available as a CD for $15 plus S&H in U.S. It is available at:
*If you prefer to pay by check, please send to Archetypal Images, LLC. PO Box 1487, Columbia, MD 21044. A breakdown of costs follows:
One CD of the soundtrack is $15. plus $4.95 for S&H (if mailed within the United States) for a total of $19.95.
One DVD of the documentary film is $25. plus $6.95 S&H (if mailed within the United States) for a total of 31.95.
A combination of one DVD of the documentary film and one CD of the musical soundtrack is marked down to $30. plus $6.95 S&H (if mailed within the United States) for a total of $36.95.
If you wish to purchase more than one CD or any other combinations of CD and DVDs, please contact to discuss costs.
If interested in a gift card for digital downloads, we can mail you a card with a special code on it to use to download the music (similar to gift cards you see at stores). The cost for a digital downloads gift card is $9.99 plus $2.00 for S&H for a total of $11.99. At present, this option is only available by sending a check to Archetypal Images, LLC. PO Box 1487, Columbia, MD. 20144. Please email Heather@BreakingThroughTheClouds.